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Monday, September 21, 2009

I did a dumb-dumb~

the day before yesterday...

to be specific...



The story goes like this:

I hide the camera battery inside my pocket...

to avoid my sissy from using the camera~

And the end of the day...

i totally forgotten all about it!

and i took it to wash,

without double-check-ing......


N there goes the ruined battery~

when I realized it yesterday

to be specific again...



I was so shocked that i quickly took the camera

n go for 'testing'...

n guess what....


This is not cool at all...i told myself~*regret*

a new-square-liked battery is now gone...


I didn't tell my mum about this...

she will be very annoyed,i think~

*imagining her expression...*

Sissy gave a threatening look~

but she understood what position am i in now~

She will not spread this news into mum's ear...

N so,

I decided to tell dad about this

coz, he is way more--so called 'calm...'

He told me that the water inside it can --evaporate

if i take it out to sun~

N i was like-huh?

No choice...but to try my luck~

I don't think it works, though...

I asked dad whether it can be repair

N he showed me a don't-be-silly-look...

I surrendered...but to obey...

Dad said,

this is not a big deal, i will just buy another one next week.

N i was like--ok~haiz(coz the battery costs about a few hundreds...)


anyway, this is a good lesson to me--

to be very carefull~

Saturday, September 19, 2009

i finally had my own blog...
i noe this not really the right time to sit here blogging...
coz, pmr is in 2 weeks time...


N regarding pmr...
i am actually 70% prepared already...
something is still missing...
sort of empty...
i think...
i don't know...
i'm quite bored of studying...
trying to be relax...a bit~
nothing much recently...
just realized that 2moro is hari raya...
and it has nothing got to do with me, also...
this is just the time where school is temporarily closed...for 9 days(only...selfish hols~)
that's it~
-my first blog-