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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Hello, SPM

In a blink of an aye,
the month of June is coming to an end.
To my horror,
There's only 140+ days left...
Everybody is counting down right now,
Eventually, the pressures are on.

I started to regret.
I regretted for not using my time wisely in the past 6 months.
I'm a total failure.
It'll be a nightmare.
Never ever would I thought that it's getting nearer and nearer each day,
yet I'm wasting my time though I knew I don't have enough time.
It's time for me to REALLY buck up.
Time waits for no one.
There's only a few months left, let's hope I'll do well for the next few months :)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Not an ordinary Sunday

Hello again to my abandoned blog!

Today is actually quite an eventful day...
Many things happened...
One thing is that my dad had a slight car accident
and the car was now in a bad bad condition.
I was not in the car, so I don't know how the accident occurred.
But I thank God that my family was safe from the accident.
But I had learned a huge lesson,
that is:

I realised that human effort alone actually leads to nowhere,
no matter how hard you try to avoid something from happening,
it'll still happen
simply because it's out of our control.

Just quote an example from the not-so-recent earthquake,
Natural disaster will land on us in no time,
we can't predict where and when it will come.

We won't know the future, for sure.
None of us.
But God knows.
We may not understand His plan,
but He is always there for us whenever and wherever we need Him,
He's no doubt our Provider and our Guide.
And I'm truly thankful that I have such a great God.

But I know who holds tomorrow
And I know who holds my hands

Thursday, February 17, 2011

None other than EXAM

It has been a busy week. Having my first exam of the year currently.

Yesterday was a terrible nightmare. And in my entire life, this is the very first time I leave so many blanks in my paper. And worst of all, it was Physics essay part. Please congratulates me.

I had no time at all to finish. Well, actually it was my fault. I wasted most of my time doing the diagram, and I had forgotten to do the ones I know. And my Physics teacher always emphasize that we MUST fill ALL the blanks! I was super sad, super emo and downcast yesterday. Maybe this was the first time, and I can't accept the truth. I regretted it.

I had learned a lesson: Not to waste every single second I have.

Thankfully, this is just the monthly test. Hopefully, this will not affect my exam for the 1st semester. I guess God is giving this lesson before SPM. If not, I might repeat my mistake in the future, especially during SPM.

I'm alright now, and I'm ready to face the music after the exam

Today is only the third and there's a lot of papers waiting for me to conquer for the next two weeks.

Till then :)