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Thursday, February 17, 2011

None other than EXAM

It has been a busy week. Having my first exam of the year currently.

Yesterday was a terrible nightmare. And in my entire life, this is the very first time I leave so many blanks in my paper. And worst of all, it was Physics essay part. Please congratulates me.

I had no time at all to finish. Well, actually it was my fault. I wasted most of my time doing the diagram, and I had forgotten to do the ones I know. And my Physics teacher always emphasize that we MUST fill ALL the blanks! I was super sad, super emo and downcast yesterday. Maybe this was the first time, and I can't accept the truth. I regretted it.

I had learned a lesson: Not to waste every single second I have.

Thankfully, this is just the monthly test. Hopefully, this will not affect my exam for the 1st semester. I guess God is giving this lesson before SPM. If not, I might repeat my mistake in the future, especially during SPM.

I'm alright now, and I'm ready to face the music after the exam

Today is only the third and there's a lot of papers waiting for me to conquer for the next two weeks.

Till then :)