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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Rat Dissection

Oh yes!
I'd dissected a rat yesterday.
It was disgusting.
I felt the rat's pain.
The very moment we dissect the inner layer, it actually, woke up.
I was shocked. Very shocked.
The worst part was, one group, mostly guys,
relentlessly dug all the organs out and made fun of people,
eg: throwing the tails, hands and feet.
From the time we nailed it,
to the time we saw each and every organs that were in it,
it was- Oh, yucks!
I saw the heart was still moving,
until the time when teacher asked us to throw it away.
The word: Just kill it.
Was painful...
One guy, mercilessly, used the blade and poked its heart.
It was dead.
Although I dislike rats,
it was certainly a creepy experience,
which I would never ever forget.

That's all for now.

Add- Maths Is...


I found out that Add-Maths is way torturing,
or is it always so,
just that I didn't realised that?
Slow me!
I'd always thought Physics and BM are the only subjects which are killing me,
and now...
My poor Add-Maths.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Owh- NO!
Peeps, let's mourn...

Friday, September 17, 2010

Believe it or not...
I baked MUFFINS!
To be precise,
Blueberry Muffin!
Ok, maybe that's an ordinary thing,
but to me it is unbelievable,
because I...ahem... never cook!
if this time is not included.

Kitchen is somewhat a place which I hate to go,
and this is the very first time I step inside
Not to only fill for my own stomach,
(which is the only thing I do when you see me in the kitchen)
but to fill others' stomach
Hmm.. interesting! ;)

Of course, I was not that expert
Doing the muffins all by my own.
Initially, mum forced me to go inside the restricted area,
And I was like "Uh-oh, now what?"
You won't how I felt at that time, because I never cook!
I gain the courage and took many heavy steps to reach the annoying kitchen...
And mum said immediately,
"It's time for you to learn how to cook, you see all your cousin sisters who are younger than know how to prepare their own meals, and you...not even know how to break an egg!..."
And there goes that the nagging...
She likes to compare me with the others, which I hate the most.
Deeply inside my heart, I was like: MUM, can you just tell what I'm suppose to do?

I would not like to explain the whole process...
But surprising +amazingly,
I broke 3 eggs perfectly nice,
and mum had nothing to say :)
Yes, I'm mean!
OK, my mum helped me to put all the muffins into the huge oven(or microwave, I'm not sure),Cause I'm scared of the heat. But later I did all by myself, putting inside and taking them out.
Yay! Cheers for me!
*clap clap*

to summarize the whole thing...
I found out that...after all, cooking is not that bad as I thought.
And I'm looking forward to do more muffins!
Trust me, they are delicious!:P

And with that, I proudly present you...
The Ultimate Blueberry Muffins made by Chef Yee Ling!

Monday, September 13, 2010

I've actually reflected many things today as i got nothing much to do.
And what I realised is that,
I should learn to
let go
have self - control
most importantly...

is the word that describes me the best at this very moment.
But, I'm sure I'll be fine.
I believe that God is always there for me,
and yeah,
tomorrow will be better.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Today I'm gonna reveal the largest secret of mine...
I'm addicted in learning GUITAR!
Okie, I'm a bit out of mind.
But, seriously, I've got a intention to own a guitar...
Oh no no no...
I've gone way too far..
Okie, I'm seeking a tutor to teach me guitar, but I guess no one would,
cause the whole world is busy with their daily routine...
But, fortunately, I've got a amazing, marvellous, incredible, fabulous, wonderful, splendid thing called...

* * *

I'm learning a little bit of strumming, which is quite torturing for my fingers.
And I'm learning the chords without a, not funny, i know :)
Because I'm using my ------IMAGINATION
So, I long for a guitar right now,
and may I request whoever who is having an extra guitar...
Could you please lend me for a couple of days, puurrleeaasssee?
I would appreciate that very much, seriouly!
OK! Enough of that.
I know that's impossible.
This is simply because:
GUITARs are the dearest treasure of all guitarist, which is a very logical fact.
Fine, forget 'bout it.
*blank blank*
It's bed time.
And, as usual...
Off I go to sleep.
Bye, peeps!