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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I went HGH Convention Centre today.
It was Chinese Essays Prize-Giving Ceremony.
It was a priviledge to be there.
All the contestants came from different state.
I was not the participant,
I was just representing my school to attend this ceremony.
Dato' Wee was the honourable guest, just FYI.
I was frozen inside the hall,
Because it was too colddd,
The air-cond was too strong,
And it was directly blowing at me.
KYY told me that as if she was in England(since she goes to England every year...)
I said as if I was in China(since I went to China once...)
We were busy keeping ourselves warm since we didn't bring our sweater,
So if you were to ask me what was it all about,
I can frankly say:
I don't know!
So, the trip was a bit wasted all because of the air-cond's fault.
However, we had a sumptuos buffet there,
I could feel as if I was in a ballroom or something,
because I didn't expected it to be so grand.

Well, actually there's nothing much happened today.
That's all I can share for now...

*Congratz LKY, for your great achievement!

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